Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The power of confrontation in youth ministry

Over the last 4 years I have had my share of confronting students. I am like most people when it comes to confronting naturally in that I am naturally chicken. Over the next few days I am going to share my experience of confronting students in a way that has led to life change in their lives. The only reason I know life change occurred in their lives is because of their responses. Hopefully we can learn some things together.

I look forward to the next few days.


Monday, April 28, 2008

The Beginning

This blog is dedicated to YP's out there that are bi-vocational or part-time. It was over four years ago that I became the youth pastor in my local church. Four years later, this is some of the things I have done:

  • Shared over 200 Sunday School lessons/experiences. Still amazes me.
  • Shared over 200 Wednesday night services.
  • Ate countless pieces of pizza
  • Had hundreds of students pass through the doors of the youth room
  • Been part of God's plan to reach out to the students in East Texas
  • And lots more

The reason I am writing this blog is to give a voice into the blog sphere to other YP's like myself that are not full-time(God Bless all of you full-timers. You are blessed of the Lord). I hope to provide some fresh thoughts through this blog. I hope to learn from the rest of you YP's as we will provoke a young generation to passionately pursue Jesus Christ.

Let's begin the journey.